Thank you to all parents who contributed to the Mothers' Day Craft Fair - it was very generous. Thank you also to those who attended our Ash Wednesday Service it was nice to see you.
Bike Training
The children have started bike training this week and this is due to continue over the next few weeks. Can we remind parents to sign the appropriate slips and return them to school as soon as possible as the children will not be allowed off school premises.
Football training commences - 3.00 - 4.00pm
We are still trying to arrange Girls Football Training and Rugby Training - Watch this space!
Y6 Retreat to The Foundry with the staff of St Gregory's.
The children will leave at 9.30am and return to school by approximately 3.00pm. Children will need a packed lunch and are allowed to wear their own clothes. Girls, however, are advised to wear trousers.
Philharmonic Hall Trip
Letters have been sent home tonight (Friday) regarding our trip to the Philharmonic Hall, Liverpool, on Monday 9th. Could you please make sure that all slips are returned by Wednesday 4th March.
Y6 - Numeracy
Numeracy - Mrs Morgan and Mr Barker's classes will be continuing with their revision programme. See previous blogs for revision web sites.
Y5 - Numeracy.
Mr Slavin and Miss Wright's classes will be looking at rounding 1 and 2 decimal places to the nearest whole number; starting to find percentages of whole number quantities. Y5s will also complete Test B - Calculator paper.
It is also World Maths Day on the Wednesday the 4th March. We are involved in a number of competitions which the children will take part in during the day.
See the following websites to help you this week: (select Numeracy, scroll dawn to Percentages and choose any of the sites listed. We recommend any BBC site and Ngfl.
Y6 - Mrs Morgan's and Miss Wright's class will be continuing their revision programme.
This week we are focusing on writing and we will be completing our Short Writing Test and Spelling Test. The children are working very hard in their revision groups - keep up the good work!
Y5 - Mr Slavin's class will be continuing with writing their myths. This week will be editing and redrafting stories. Look at the sites below for ideas and structure.
We are very excited to be invloved with the Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra and we will be starting a rich task week "Going Global" which links in with our current topic of the environment. During the week children will be introduced to the structure of an orchestra; investigating and designing their own ecological forms of transport; environmental concerns in the Arctic; the threat to our world rain forests. All are based on a particular piece of music which the children will be involved in on our trip to the Philharmonic Hall on March 9th.
We are carrying on with our new topic of 'Communion' and Year 5s will continue to prepare for their sacrament of Reconcilation.
Just a reminder there are still some children who haven't been able to take part in P.E due to forgetting their kits. Can you please make sure that children have them in school at all times.
That is all for now. Have a good week.
Year 5/6 Team
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