Sunday, 22 February 2009

Week Beginning 23rd February 2009

Hi everyone and welcome to the second half of the Spring Term, hopefully this half term we will see a lot more of Spring like weather!!

This is a very busy and important half term in Year 5/6 as this is the final run up to our tests.

On Tuesday this week we will be having a assembly in school about recycling. Someone from Warrington Council will come into school to talk to the children about this important matter and they will also bring with them a rapping robot to get the message across to the children.

Ash Wednesday

This week sees the start of Lent. We will be holding a short service in the hall to mark Ash Wednesday and the children will receive their ashes in the classrooms afterwards. Should you wish to receive ashes in school, please join us at 9am in the hall.
To read about the traditions and customs of Ash Wednesday, go to

Wednesday this week sees the start of cycling training for some of our Year 6 children. Your child will know if they have been chosen to take part in the training as they will have received a letter last half term. Please remember that the children will need to bring their own bike in on this day. They will also need so old warm clothes and a coat in order to take part in the training.

This weeks curriculum:-

The Year 6's this week will be carrying on with their revision of reading and writing tests. This weeks we are back on reading and will be looking at how to tackling inference and deduction questions. Remember children to keep reading for 15 minutes each night and try and beat how much you have read the previous night.

Here are some websites to help the Year 6 children with all the areas they need to revise:- SATs questions, you can choose which subject you want to look at. our old favourite bbc revisewise. SATS question quiz. revision tips. download SATs papers. revision exercises and SATs questions. maths true or false quiz. who wants to be a mathonaire. lots of maths games to help you revise, I love the Weakest Link. reading comprehension practise. choose a science area to revise. who wants to be a Science Millionaire.

The Year 5's will be finishing their final pieces of work on persuasion this week, they have really worked hard and enjoyed this topic.
This week the Year 5's will be completing and improving their argument and re-writing it as a letter written to persuade. We look forward to reading their finished pieces of writing.
Try these websites to review your learning:- design your own persuasive poster. answer some simple questions and design your own travel advert. persuasive writing workshop. revision of persuasive writing.!B121cf29d70ec8a3d54a33343010cc2 points for persuasive writing and other genres. understanding persuasive writing.

I know there are lots of websites here but now that the children have their own laptops they do not need to be hogging the home computer!!


Mrs Morgan's and Mr Barker's groups will be carrying on with their revision. After completing a past paper before the half term, we now have a really clear idea of what each individual child needs to help them improve their levels.


Again, our Year 6's will be continuing with their revision.

Our Year 5's will be moving onto the topic of Changing Sounds. This week the children should learn:
that sounds are made when objects or materials vibrate
to make careful observations
to draw conclusions about sounds from their observations


After our assembly on Tuesday we will be using our topic of the environment to create our own recycling raps using the inspiration of the rapping robot. This, I am sure will prove to be a very interesting and fun activity!!

That's all for this week.

Year 5/6 Team.

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