Sunday, 12 July 2009
Week Beginning 13th July 2009
Reports will be going out this week along with the children's end of year results, the children should feel very proud of the hard work that they have put in this year- Well Done Everyone!!
There are a number of things happening this week so here we go.
Musical Magic!
This week will see Year 5/6 transform into your favourite musical stars! Our production times this week will be Monday evening, starting at 6.45pm and then Tuesday afternoon at 1.30pm.
You should have received your tickets for both productions. If they have not made their way home please see one of the team as soon as possible. We cannot allow admission without a ticket due to health and safety.We would like to thank parents for their effort with the children's costumes, they are fantastic!
Can all Year 6s return their laptops along with their cases and chargers before Thursday please.
On Friday we have our leavers mass. It will take place in the school hall at 9am, you are very welcome to join us but as usual space is limited.
On Friday we say a final goodbye to out Year 6 children.
This is a very said time for us as we have watched them grow into the young people they are today. We hope that they will come back and visit us from time to time and make us feel really old!
We wish them all the luck in the world with lives, in high school and further.We will see our Year 5 children next year and they now know which teacher they will be having.
We look forward to welcoming our Year 4 children into Year 5/6.Finally thank you for your support this year, it has been very busy but happy and we have had a great time along the way!!See you in September.
Year 5/6 Team.
Saturday, 4 July 2009
Week beginning 6th July 2009
We really can't believe that we are nearly at the end of another very busy and eventful school year! Our Year 6 children are looking forward to moving on to the High School and we are looking forward to our Year 5's becoming Year 6's and our Year 4's moving up to Year 5.
last week saw a spectacular Sports Day!! Well done to the red team! All children tried so hard and it was great to see every child participating in all of the activities!! Well done everyone.
Our end of year production is starting to take shape now. Hopefully your child will have told you if they need a costume, if not you can pop in and see one of the Year 5/6 team and we will be happy to point you in the right direction.
We will be spending a lot of the week practicing for the production.There will be no homework this week as we feel the time is needed to get costumes ready and learn song lyrics.
You should have received your tickets on Friday. As usual we cannot allow entrance without a ticket due to health and safety regulations.
On Thursday will be our school trip to Chester Zoo. We will be leaving school at approximately 9.15 and hopefully be back by 3.45pm traffic depending. We hope that the weather will be kind to us but just on case we would recommend taking a waterproof coat or umbrella. All children will need a packed lunch and a few drinks as we are out for the whole day.
When we return to school please collect your child from the playground as usual, it is very difficult to keep track of where the children are if parents collect them from the coaches.
Thank you to all those parents who have offered to help out, we really appreciate it.
This week we will spend our time in class preparing for next year. We will be completing a piece of writing to pass up to the next teacher. We will also be completing some teacher and self assessments in maths and science to pass on to the next teacher.
That brings us to end of this weeks very short blog, although it is short we have lots to fit in, so much to do so little time!
Have a great week.
Year 5/6 Team.
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Week beginning 29th June 2009
Hope you have been enjoying the sunshine :)
last week saw some of our children taken part in a performance at the Parr Hall. The performance was fantastic and behaviour, as always was excellent considering it is such a long day. Thank you children.
Sports Day
This Wednesday is Sports Day things have changed this year. Instead of singular races going on after each other, there is a carousel of activities going on at the same time. We are sure the children have told you all about it! We have had lots of positive feedback about the different activities that have been organised this year and hope the children will really enjoy it. We have 3 teams, red, blue and yellow. All children have been assigned to a team. We have suggested that whatever colour team your child is in that if possible they wear a t-shirt of the same colour:
With the weather being as it is we are advising that children bring in a cap and sun cream daily as we have been spending a lot more time outside practicing for sports day and our end of year production.
What are we doing this week?
Most of this week will be spent putting together our production. The dates for the end of year production are as follows:
Monday 13th July - 6.45 pm
Tuesday 14th July-1.45pm
We have been so busy over the last few weeks we have hardly had any time to practice, therefore most of this week will be spent on preparations.What with Sports Day practice and Production practice you will be wondering if we can fit in any curriculum this week but as always the answer is yes!
We will be continuing with our Kensuke's Kingdom project. We will continue with the story and children will be using a variety of drama techniques to enhance understanding of the story.
Year 6 will be continuing with their Numeracy transition unit with Mr Tilling.
Year 5 will be putting their data handling skills to the test, when we start to look at different types of line/ bar graphs, tally charts and pie charts. See previous weeks for websites.
Year 5/6 Team
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
week beginning 22nd June 2009
The week's seem to be flying by, we have so much to do and so little time!
Penketh and Sankey District Schools Challenge Cup. June 2009
Congratulations to the A and B teams who were both successful in their first round qualifiers of the District Schools Challenge Cup held at Penketh Community Primary School, Stocks Lane, earlier this week. The A team beat Barrowhall Lane (A) 5 – 0 (with Edward Shaw scoring a hatrick) whilst the B team beat Barrowhall Lane (B) 3-1 in a closely contested game. Well done to all players who demonstrated great effort, maturity and determination.
Thank you to Mrs Walker, to all the parents who transported the children to and from the event and a special thanks to Theo Phocou for his continued coaching efforts, time and support to the school.
Challenge Trophies Round 1 Challenge Cup. The next round has been drawn as follows:
St Vincent’s A vs St Joseph’s
Tuesday 23.06.09. Kick off 4.30pm
Penketh Community Primary School, Stocks Lane, Penketh.
Penketh South Primary vs St Vincent’s B
Tuesday 23.06.09. Kick off 3.30pm
Penketh Community Primary School, Stocks Lane, Penketh.
Please note that the fixtures and kick-off times are arranged by the Cup Organisers and not by St. Vincent’s. All fixture details are correct at time of going to press (19.06.09) but if there are any amendments to the fixtures, we will let you know as soon as possible.
If you require further information, please follow the link below.
For those boys who were unfortunate not to take part in the tournament, we have spoken to Penketh South who have agreed to a match. We are trying to arrange a mutually convenient date and I will let all concerned know as soon as possible.
PAN Performance
On Monday evening we have the Primary Arts Network Performance at the Pyramid Parr Hall. Children will need to bring a packed tea as we will be leaving school at 3.15pm and going straight to the Hall. We will then be practicing our performance along with the other schools involved. The performance starts at 7.00pm and the doors open at 6.15pm. Tickets can be purchased from the Pyramid Parr Hall ticket office.
Costumes: children will need to bring in a black top and black leggings or trousers.
This weekend our year 3 children will be receiving their First Holy Communion. We wish them lots of good luck and are sure it will be a very happy and enjoyable time.
This Week's Curriculum:
We will be starting our Generation Green Campaign.
Generation Green:
Help us sow the seeds for a greener tomorrow
I’m happy to tell you that St Vincent’s has joined Generation Green, a new programme from Scottish Gas to help our children do their bit to make the planet greener.
Greener at school
During the year, we will be undertaking green tasks to encourage us to save energy and cut our carbon emissions. Tasks can be as simple as appointing a lights monitor for each classroom or as complex as measuring our carbon footprint (this tells us just how green St Vincent’s is today).
Greener at home
Any support you can give us will be very welcome. For example, going along with your children when they ask you to do green things at home – like switching off the lights to save energy. You could also help us earn Leaves by completing a quick and simple Energy Savers Report. You’ll find this at on the friends and family page.
The Year 6 children will be continuing with their transition project this week.
Miss Wright's and Mr Slavin's group have raced through the maths curriculum this year, we have spent some time reviewing subjects that the children found difficult when completing their tests and now feel that it is time to start preparing them for next year's curriculum. We will therefore be starting some of the Year 6 topics.
This week we will be looking at expressing a quotient as a fraction, or a decimal rounded to one decimal place. This means that we will be doing sums that don't divide into a whole number exactly e.g. 46 divided by 7 and finding out the answer is 6 and 4/7. It sounds difficult but if the children have good knowledge of their tables they will find it much easier, so keep working on those tables.
In Literacy we will continue our Kensuke's Kingdom scheme of work. We will be following Michael and his family on their journey around the world. We will be using Kensuke's Kingdom as inspiration for our big write this week too :)
End of Year Production
We have so much to do! Children are in their groups for the performance now and we are all very impressed at to what songs and dances the children have decided on. It is an absolute pleasure to be helping the children with the performance. All Year 5/6 are so enthusiastic about the songs that they have chosen to work to! We will be having lots of practice this week so children can start to think about costumes and props that they might need for their act.
Have a great week.
Year 5/6 Team
Thursday, 11 June 2009
Week beginning 15th June 2009
We still have a lot of work to fit in as well as a year 5/6 end of year PRODUCTION. We really enjoyed the singing element of last year’s end of year performance and so this is the route we felt it would be good to go down this year. We felt we would like a slight twist though, so we have decided that we are going to showcase songs from the Musicals. We feel that this is a broad area so children have a rich choice of what they would like to dance, perform and sing to.
As always, we need to make sure that the year 6 take priority for the parts in the production, however we will need year 5’s as well. Remember year 5’s that your time will come next year! We are hoping that during this next week children will have a good idea of children’s roles within the production, and you can therefore start practicing at home, and thinking about costume ideas. We realise that some costumes will be more complicated to put together than others and so want to let parents know ASAP. We will not be giving out specific costume letters as we feel that it is much easier for you to look at the artist your child is impersonating and choose a look you feel is easiest to replicate. As soon as we know details of performance dates we will send them home.
Year 6, Wednesday 17th June- Transition day at St Gregory's.
Year 6 should have brought home a letter tonight outlining the details for next Wednesday. Children will need to be at St Gregory's for 8.30am and will need to be collected at 2.30pm.
Year 5The curriculum continues as usual and the children in both Mrs Morgan’s and Miss Wright’s group will be learning the following…
To subtract integers of up to 10,000 using formal and informal methods.
To subtract numbers to 2 decimal places.
As usual lots of games and interactive learning will take place to make these topic as fun as possible.By the end of the week children,
MUST use an informal method to subtract integers up to 10,000.
SHOULD use both formal and informal methods to subtract integers up to 10,000.
COULD begin to subtract numbers to 2 decimal places.
Try logging on to and following the Maths links for some excellent speed subtraction games to help you with these objectives.
Year 6
We will be embarking on some transition work to ease the year 6’s into the Mathematics required for the High School. Much of this knowledge is what we have already acquired, but just requires the children to think in a more sophisticated manner. The DFES provide a pack of material for children to further develop their understanding, and we will build on this in school. We will be consolidating lots of learning, but also favouring a more problem solving route where children are encouraged to think for themselves more, and see patterns in number and data. This sounds really hard going, but lots of fun will be had, and children will feel more confident about what will be expected of them in September.
Last week saw us starting to read Kensuke's Kingdom, by Michael Morpurgo. We were intoduced to the main characters, setting and and the story began to unfold. This week we will be concentrating on the characters and producing in depth character webs to get to understand them better. We will also be focusing at the point where Michael meets Kensuke for the first time. We will be putting on our Red Thinking Hats and starting to write a journal entry.
Creative Topic / Science - Water Worlds
This week we will be:
* Researching living things in coral reefs classifying and identifying common life processes
* Using the internet, non fiction texts and encyclopedias to answer scientific questions about sharks.
Have a look at the following websites to help:
Have a great week.
Year 5/6 Team
Sunday, 7 June 2009
Week Beginning 8th June 2009
Hope you had a super half term! Although this half term is short, it is the last one before the Summer. We have lots of fun things to fit into it, so let us make a start.
On Wednesday after school Year 6 parents have the chance to watch the 'All About Me' video before children watch it on Friday, a letter went out before the end of last half term with a slip to confirm whether you will be attending or not. If you would like to attend please send back the slip or write a note in our home- school diary.
This week for Literacy we will be in our own classes
Kensuke's Kingdom
We will be starting a transition scheme of work that will be over a period of weeks. We will begin by familiarising ourselves with the story and starting to understand the setting and characters. We will also be focusing on drama using Conscience Alley, Freeze Framing and Thought Tracking to help us understand the story much better.
Year 5
Mr Slavin and Miss Wright's groups will this week be reviewing Fractions. We will be looking again to:
* Understand Mixed Numbers
* Change Mixed Numbers into Improper Fractions
* Find fractions of quantities and amounts involving money.
Please look at the following websites for help in using and applying fractions:
Year 6
Mr Tilling's group will spend this week reviewing areas that were covered last term. Mr Tilling will also be going through the answers to the SATs paper completed in May.
This term will see us starting a new Science topic 'Interdependence and Adaptation'
Children Must- Be able to recognise that plants need light and water to grow well.
Children should- Be able to recognise that a green plant needs light and water to grow well and that different animals and plants live in different habitats.
Children Could- Be able to Recognise that green plants are the source of food for all animals and they produce material for new growth from air and water in the presence of light.
Also remember to bring in your Sunflowers we are eager to see how much they have grown :)
Have a look at the following websites:
This half term we are starting a new topic of 'Choices' This week we will be looking at the choices that we make on a day to day basis and the consequences of the choices that we make.
Topic: Waterworlds
We have incorporated our Music, Art, Design Technology and Geography into our topic of 'Waterworlds'.
This week we will be researching Weather Patterns across the world. We will be focusing on deserts this week.
Have a great first week back.
Year 5/6 Team
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Week beginning 18th May 2009
What a week! Well done to all of Year 6 who have finally finished their SATs. (Hurray!) We are all very proud of their determination to produce their best efforts and we couldn't have asked for anything more from the children. We would also like to thank all members of staff who have supported the children during this week. All the tests have been posted to the external markers and the school will receive the results in early July.
Well done to Y5s, too, who have also completed a week of testing. Once these have been marked, it will enable us to see what level the children are at.
Anfield - Y6 - Wednesday
Just a reminder to let you know the trip to Anfield is on Wednesday; we wonder what the atmosphere will be like as the title hangs in the balance. Please note that school uniform must be worn and that we will be back in school in time for lunch. Children will only be allowed to bring a maximum of £5.00 to spend in the shop and the club have confirmed that cameras are allowed. If there are any monies outstanding, can you please forward it as soon as possible.
Pottery - Y6 - Thursday and Friday
We are very lucky next week to have a local potter, Mick McWilliams from "Wonderful World of Clay." Mr McWilliams will be demonstrating techniques to the children and will them help them to design and throwing (not literally) their own pots.
Here is next week's curriculum:
Classes will return to normal next week but we do have a very exciting week planned for the children.
This week we are focusing all our efforts on nature and the world around us. To celebrate 200 years of Charles Darwin's birth, we will be following his footsteps on our Darwin inspired thinking walks around school. We will be exploring wildlife, flora and fauna in the school environment. We will be finding out more about plants and in the process learning key mathematical and scientific skills.
As you know, we have a very successful Gardening Club (run by Mrs Fox in school) and we will be creating an informative booklet, aimed at Year 1 and Year 2, helping them to understand and classify the natural world around them.
We will be focusing on a variety of poets and poems, based on plants, in which the children will be evaluating and creating some of their own masterpieces.
Instructional Writing
We will be examining the features of instructional texts and this will culminate in the children writing their own instructions on how to help seeds germinate. All the children will plant their own sunflower seed (which we have in school) taking into account the factors that affect germination. Children will be bringing their seeds home over the holidays and we will be having a competition to measure the tallest sunflower at the end of term. Children will need to bring them back into school where they can be measured and prizes awarded!
We will be collecting, measuring and recording data of the flora and fauna from our nature walk around the school environment. We will also recap parallel and perpendicular lines by identifying them outside and taking photographs.
We will be designing and making our own insect chalets which will be housed in trees and bushes around school. (David Attenborough would be impressed!) Children will research, using their laptops, different types of insect homes and the attributes of their particular habitat.
We would be grateful if the children could bring in some old newspapers to help us with their construction.
As we will be using these a lot during the week, can you please ensure that laptops are charged each night ready for the next day.
Football and rugby will resume the first week back. Can you please ensure that footballers have shin pads and rugby players have gum shields. Thanks.
That's all for now. Enjoy your weekend and have a well-earned rest. (Parents as well!)
Year5/6 Team
Friday, 8 May 2009
Week beginning 11th May 2009
Finally, the week we have been working so hard for has arrived! Next week is the week we get to show off everything we have learned when we complete our SATs. Over the past year the children have been working really hard in preparation for the forthcoming tests and we are overwhelmed by the progress they have made.
We would like to thank staff in school who have given up their free time to help with morning booster sessions and also after school tuition. We also realise the tremendous effort that parents have contributed over the past months. Children should be extremely proud of themselves as we really do believe that they could not of worked any harder, and have realised the importance of working hard to achieve your own goals.
The Year 5's will also be completing their optional SATs this week and wherever possible will follow the same timetable as the Year 6's.
Monday: 9.15- 10.00 Science Test A
10.50-11.35 Science Test B
Tuesday: 9.15-10.00 Long Writing Test
11.00-11.30 Short Writing Test and Spelling Test
Wednesday: 9.15-10.00 Reading Test
Thursday: 9.15-10.00 Maths Test A
10.50-11.10 Mental Maths Test
Friday: 9.15-10.00 Maths Test B
We have all the equipment in school that the children will need to complete their tests. If they want to bring their own stationary in must be in a clear pencil case or a clear plastic bag. We have told the children they are allowed a small mascot or lucky charm which they can keep on their table.
It would also be a good idea if they have a bottle of water with them to take in to the test.They can bring a small pack of sweets e.g. boiled sweets or mints, not chocolate or chewing gum.
Obviously we will not be following the normal curriculum this week and in between completing the tests we will be doing lots of Art, DT, and P.E activities.
There will be no homework this week for Year 6 and Year 5 children as they are all completing tests.
Year 6 should have received a letter regarding Breakfast Club next week. This is just for Year 6 children only it is not compulsory but seeing as there are no booster clubs at all next week, we thought that it would provide children with the opportunity to relax and socialise.
All staff would like to thank the children for all their effort and hard work and we wish them every success. We know you can do it :)
Until next time......
Have a great weekend
Year 5/6 Team.
Thursday, 30 April 2009
Week Beginning 4th May 2009
We have only got 4 days this week but we still have got a lot to do. This week will see the last of our daily revision groups, as next week is test week for our year 6s. Year 5s will also be completing their end of year assessments too. Things will get back to normal after the test week and children will be in their own classes. Year 6s should have brought home a SATs timetable for you to have a look at tonight.
All after school booster sessions will be as normal next week. If any children are feeling a little bit unsure about anything to do with their tests please come and ask, we are always here to help.
Year 5s have been given a letter concerning our annual residential to the Conway Centre. This is a great opportunity for children and teachers alike to have fun outside of the school environment and try different activities. If your child would like to attend the reply slip needs to be back to the office by Wednesday 6th May.
We would like to say a big congratulations to Mrs Morgan on the birth of her baby boy. We welcome James David Morgan into the world. Lots of love and best wishes to Mrs Morgan and her husband at this very special time.
Here is what we are learning this week:
Year 6- This week Mr Slavin and Miss Wright's groups will be focusing on exam technique and looking in depth at the way that their tests will be marked. Children have been encouraged this week to use a checklist when in the planning stage of their writing. We know that all of our year 6s know how to include the elements of VCOP, but it is making opportunities for them within their writing.
Year 5- Mr Tilling's group will be continuing with Myths and Legends. We will be comparing myths and looking at the features of well known myths and legends. See previous weeks for websites.
On Tuesday afternoon we will be having a Creative Writing afternoon in which children will be looking at a variety of ways to make their writing as descriptive as possible. We will be thinking about adverbs/adjectives, similes/metaphors and using all of our senses. Have a look at the following websites:
Year 6: Mr Barker and Mr Tilling's group have their last week of revision this week. Children have told us what areas they would like extra work on and we will be covering these areas during the week.
Year 5: Mr Slavin and Miss Wright's groups will be recognising the equivalence between fractions and decimals. We will also be going over percentages again, so have a look at previous blog weeks for website ideas.
Year 6- Children should have brought home some examples of test work we have been completing in school, just so you can see where they are upto. We realise that as far as homework goes children have finished their CGP books, so we have just asked the children to have a look at the tests they have brought home and brush up on anything they may be unsure of.
Year 5s will be continuing with their Science topic of Forces.
That is all for this week.
Have a great bank holiday weekend :)
Year 5/6 Team
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Week beginning 27th April 2009
Welcome to another action packed week in the world of Year 5/6.
Our Year 6 children only have 2 weeks left until their SATs, this week we are going to have a practice using the hall for the tests. The children are used to the format of the papers but they have been mostly doing them in classrooms, in order to keep them as calm as possible on the actual week we need to get them used the way the SATs will be administered. We will complete some past papers in the hall throughout the week.
A big thank you to all of the children who attended Booster sessions last week - Well done for remembering!
Also it is lovely to see the amount of books that children have read over the Easter holiday we love hearing all about how much you have enjoyed reading a particular book. We are starting a 'Book Swap Shop' so if any of you have books that are sitting in a cupboard gathering dust, bring them in and maybe you could swap them for another book you might like to read.
We all send our best wishes to Mrs Morgan as she has started her maternity leave we hope to have more news soon.
Here is what is happening this week:
Y6 - Mr Barker and Mr Tilling's group will be continuing their revision schedule. We will be looking in particular at practicing different methods of division and multiplication, especially long multiplication. Towards the end of the week children will be using a chosen method to solve multiplication and division multi step word problems. Try some of the following websites, there are also examples that you can practice on here:
Y5- Numeracy
Mr Slavin and Miss Wright's class will be looking at Classifying events based on degrees of likelihood. By the end of the week we all should be able to recognise the distinction between 'impossible', ' unlikely', 'likely' and 'certain'. We will also be focusing on handling data in relation to the week's theme of probability. As we are relatively new to this area have a look at the following websites to get some practice before we start!
Y6 Mr Slavin and Miss Wright's revision groups will be completing Writing and Reading past test papers as a means of getting us familiar with how they will be administered on the day. As a means of revision this week it would be a good idea if all Year 6s looked in particular at the features of non-fiction texts, we have looked at these quite a lot and all children should already have revision notes within their revision books. These features are recipes for success for particular text types.
Y5- Mr Tilling's group will be looking at Evaluating myths and identifying key features to use as a model for writing. Children will be looking at a number of different myths and fantastic tales and seeing what the similarities and differences are. Children will then be using this as a basis for putting into action their own fantastic stories which we will be very excited to hear.
Look at the following websites for ideas and how myths are structured and written.
Year 5 will be carrying on with their new topic of 'Forces in Action' Children are becoming familiar with the different types of forces and how the are exerted upon different objects. What causes objects to move faster, slow down and stay still. We will all also be recapping on other scientific aspects throughout the week. We will be linking art to science on Wednesday. Working in our Co-Operative groups to create a collage based upon the Life Cycle of a Flowering Plant. To get a clear idea of this life cycle look at the following websites:
Have a great week.
Year 5/6 Team.
Thursday, 9 April 2009
Week Beginning 20th April 2009
We have a very busy term ahead but we still have lots to look forward to. This half term is five weeks long and on our fourth week it is the SATs tests. The year 5s will also be completing their tests this week, the week beginning the 11th May.
All booster and tuition sessions will resume as from Monday 20th April.
Our Year 6's have been working really hard in preparation for their tests both at school and at home and we really appreciate your support in preparing the children.Here are some websites that may help you with your preparation. SATs questions, you can choose which subject you want to look at. our old favourite bbc revisewise. SATS question quiz. revision tips. download SATs papers. revision exercises and SATs questions. maths true or false quiz. who wants to be a mathonaire. lots of maths games to help you revise, I love the Weakest Link. reading comprehension practise. choose a science area to revise. who wants to be a Science Millionaire
Year 6 Numeracy:
Year 6s will be continuing with their revision programme this week they will be consolidating knowledge gained throughout this year and will be focusing on :
* Reviewing conversions looking at grams/kilograms, cm/m etc.
* Reviewing capacity, weight and length.
* Area and Perimeter of shapes
* Measuring and creating angles within triangles.
Have a look at the following websites to help revise these areas:
Year 5 Numeracy:
This week we will be looking at:
calculating angles on a straight line rehearsing the relationship between degrees and right angles.
Identifying, estimating and ordering acute, obtuse and reflex angles.
try some of the websites above to help to practice measuring and identifying angles. We are also continuing with our weekly multiplication and division facts tests so keep practicing!
Year 6- This week we will be focusing on how to write an effective and persuasive argument. We will be imagining that all Children's T.V is about to be cancelled! Children will be planning their own response trying to put forward their own arguments and then finally drafting a letter. We will also be reviewing the features of persuasive texts. Children also have the features of other non-fiction texts within their revision books. These are especially important to know before our writing test in May.
Year 5-Will be finishing off Writing to Persuade, children will be having a debate about whether school uniform should be replaced and sharing views for and against. By the end of the week children will have written a persuasive letter to Mr Barker outlining their reasons for or against.
Year 6 will be reviewing the following areas:
Children must know about the path of light into our eyes.
The scientific terms Opaque, Translucent, Transparent.
How a shadow is formed.
How sound is produced.
The terms Vibration and Pitch.
The Earth and Beyond:
How we come to have day and night.
Key times and orbits of the Earth, Sun and Moon
Forces acting upon the Earth.
How seasons occur.
Year 5:
Will be continuing with their new area of 'Forces in Action' This week children will review that pushes and pulls are examples of forces, that forces are needed to start things and to change their speed and/ or direction, that friction, including air resistance is a measure of force.
We are starting our new theme of Good News. We will be recognising some of the effects of good news and reflecting on how good news can bring joy and happiness. Children will be working within their co-operative learning groups to explore and investigate good news given at home, in class, our neighbourhood and our country.
That is all for this week.
Year 5/6 Team.
Friday, 3 April 2009
Week Beginning 6th April 2009
Even though it is the last week of term we are still very Year 5 and 6.
Firstly could we say a big thank you from Mrs Walker for all the money collected on the spots and stripes day last Friday, she was really amazed by the response and she would like us to pass on her thanks.
On Tuesday afternoon this week we will holding our annual fundraising event in aid of the Nugent Care Society. The children have lots of interesting events planned and they will also be able to take part in activities that other children have put on, so it may a good idea if they have a small amount of change for the afternoon.
On Wednesday we will be holding our Easter Garden competition in the morning. The children will need to bring the gardens in on the morning of the competition and take them home from school that night as we do not have the space to store them. Thank you.
On Thursday we will be having an Easter Service in school in the morning. We will have songs, prayers and the Easter Story. As always you are welcome to join us in the celebration but please remember that space is limited.
This weeks curriculum....
Our children are working really hard in literacy at the moment and we have really seen an improvement in their reading and writing skills, well done children for all your effort.
This week Year 6's will be working on newspaper reports. We will be recapping the features and planning and writing our own newspaper report.
Try these websites in preparation:-
Year 5's will be continuing with their theme of persuasive writing.
Mrs Morgan's and Mr Barker's groups will be continuing with their revision programme.
Miss Wright's and Mr Slavin's groups will be looking at areas that we need to develop after assessing what we have learned this half term at the beginning of the week.
This week in science we will be working on the water cycle in preparation for our new topic of Waterworlds which we will be starting after the half term.
We will be researching the water cycle and producing a power point presentation on what we have learned.
Try these websites to help:-
Here I Am
We will be continuing with our topic of Growing as well as looking at the Easter Story.
The children will be expected to know how Christians try to grow during lent and how this is preparation for celebrating Easter.
Please remember we finish for the Easter holidays at 3pm and Thursday and return to school at 8.45am on Monday 20th April.
Boosters and one-to-one tuition will continue next week and will also take place on the first week back.
The Year 5/6 Team would like to thank all the staff for giving up their valuable time to help prepare the children for their SATs we really do appreciate it.
Finally, we would like to wish you a happy and holy Easter, and look forward to seeing the children in their summer uniforms and hope that they bring the weather with them!
Year 5/6 Team.
Thursday, 26 March 2009
Week beginning 30th March 2009
We only have a couple of weeks left but there is still so much to do!
Well done to all of the children who took part in the Cross Country Tournament last Thursday at Cinammon Brow Primary School, the children tried very hard especially keeping going through the wind and rain- A Big Well Done.
Just a reminder that on the Wednesday of next week we will be judging our Easter Gardens competition and we are very much looking forward to seeing the finished pieces of work as they are always fantastic.
Homework- Year 6: As from next week as we only have a few weeks left we have decided to change the format of the homework. Children will be sent home individual homework for Literacy, Maths and Science as we are aware that most children have now come to the end of working through their CGP revision books.
Mrs Morgan's and Miss Wright's groups will be looking at Persuasive Writing this week in revision sessions. We will be studying the features of persuasive texts and planning and writing our own. here are some websites to have a look at:
Mr Slavin's class will also be looking at persuasive writing, looking at different advertisements in the media, finally leading upto creating a new V.I.P product which the children will have to advertise and persuade people to buy.
Year 6
Mrs Morgan's and Mr Barker's groups will be carrying on with their revision timetable. See previous blogs for websites.
Year 5
Miss Wright's and Mr Slavin's groups will be looking at Co-Ordinates most of the week. Learning how to read and plot co0ordinates in the first quadrant. We will also be looking to rehearse names and properties of common 2 d shapes. here are some websites to try:
Year 5
Mr Slavin's group will be starting the new topic of ' Forces in Motion' in which children will be understanding why objects float and sink and how the force of gravity keeps us on the ground.
Year 6
Mrs Morgan's and Miss Wright's groups will be reviewing work done on forces and moving onto how forces can be measured. We are also having our weekly Science quiz on Monday afternoon in which we are focusing on Plants.
Just a note to say how well the Year 6s are doing within their Booster sessions they are really working hard- Keep up the good work everyone!!
You may have got a letter this week informing you that your child has been selected for one-to-one tuition sessions. The sessions are aimed at children that we feel with this extra last minute boost they could make it into the next level. We really appreciate the fact that lots of the staff in school have given up their time and agreed to run these sessions. Staff are very busy after the school day keeping up with the paper work for their own classes and the fact that they have agreed to give up 2 of those busy nights to help our Year 6 children is fantastic of them. Thank you very much.
The children are planning a fundraising afternoon for next Tuesday. They may have come home and told you about the ideas their group have. We hold this event annually at this time of year and the children do raise a lot of money for CAFOD. We are always really impressed with their efforts and maturity when it comes to this event and we are sure this year will be no different.
That's all for this week.
Year 5/6 Team
Sunday, 22 March 2009
Week Beginning 23rd March 2009
Wow, what a busy week last week was. The children did us proud on their first and second reconciliations and they are getting better at handing in their reply slips which saves a lot of hastle when we are taking them out of school, thank you very much for this.
We would like to express our sympathy to Mrs Cain and her family on the sad loss of her husband John. We hope that you will keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers.
We also ask that under the circumstances you only contact the office if it is something of extreme importance, thank you.
Thank you to parents and children who have been involved in before and after school booster sessions. We have never run the booster session before school and were not sure if they would work but we felt that it was unfair that the children should be asked to stop going their clubs after school to attend booster sessions while they have the opportunity of so many sports clubs. (Thank you Mr Slavin!) These sessions have worked really well and we thank you for getting up that extra bit early so that the children can attend.
The booster sessions will run right up until the week before SATs, they will also take place on the week before and the week after the Easter holidays.
On Thursday this week their is a cross country race at Cinnamon Brow Primary School. We were allowed to enter a team of 4 boys and 4 girls. If your child has been chosen to represent the school then you will have received a letter asking for permission. We would really appreciated help in transporting the children to the event, thank you.
This week's curriculum..........
This week the Year 6 children will be working on improving their vocabulary, they will do this through description. They will be describing settings and characters using wow language.
The Year 5 children will be continuing their work on non-chronological reports. We were really impressed with the quality of the children's homework last week, they wrote some excellent reports using all the features that they need to include. Well done.
On the down side of this there were 13 children who did not complete the homework that was set. We would ask you to please encourage your child to complete their homework.
After doing a past paper last week Mrs Morgan's and Mr Barker's groups will be working through the paper and seeing how we can improve our scores.
We were really shocked to see how many of the children struggled with telling the time. This could be a focus at home for the coming week.
After the fabulous science show last week we will be doing some work on materials and in particular separating materials. The children will be working on how to separate different kinds on solids and also how to separate a solid that has dissolved into a liquid.
The children are doing some fantastic fund raising at play times. On the last week of this term will be holding our annual fundraising afternoon. We will use some of our time this week to plan the events we will be running on that afternoon.
That's all for this short blogspot, Happy Mother's Day.
Year 5/6 Team
Friday, 13 March 2009
Week Beginning 16th March 2009
We have a really busy week in store so let's get started.
Thank you to all the children who dressed in RED on Friday to support comic relief, you all looked fantastic and your donations were greatly appreciated.
Many of our Year 5 and 6 children are also doing daily fundraising for our adopted charity CAFOD. They have stalls on the yard each playtime and making lots of money for the charity.
Further on in this term we will be organising a fundraising afternoon for the rest of the school were we will all run stalls and activities to raise money for CAFOD as part of our Lent preparation for Easter.
A big thank you to all the children who attended the netball and football tournament at St Gregs. Both teams did very well and their behaviour was very good indeed. Can we also say thank you to parents who gave their time to help with transport.
On Wednesday this week our Year 5 children will be making their First Reconciliation. They will spend the whole day at Church. In the morning they will do lots of different activities based on stories from the bible and in the afternoon they will make their First Reconciliation. Afterwards their will be a service in Church to celebrate. There will be a creche at school for younger children in case parents do not make it back from Church until after 3pm. We send the children our love and prayers in this important Sacrament.
On Thursday this week we will have mass in the school hall. As usual parents are welcome to join us but please be aware that space is limited.
On Friday morning we will have a science specialist in school to perform a science show. This is always a very interesting and enjoyable activity for the children and it comes at a great time as it will be revision for the up and coming SATs.
On Friday afternoon our Year 6 children will spend the afternoon in Church where they will also participate in Reconciliation with Father Richard.
We are also starting booster session this week. We have booster going on for maths, literacy and science. There are 2 boosters for each of the subjects as we have split the children into ability groups.
If your child has been selected to take part in the booster activities then you should have received a letter on Friday informing you of which booster it is and when it will take place.
Booster will take place on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday morning and Wednesday after school. If your children is coming to the morning session they will begin at 8.15am, we will provide the children with some fruit or toast in the morning as they will have to have their breakfast a lot earlier than usual. If your child has not been selected to take part in the booster sessions and you feel that it will be of benefit for them then please see a member of the Year 5/6 Team.
Miss Wright and Mrs Morgan's group will completing a reading past sat at the beginning of the week to see if our reading has moved on.
For the rest of the week we will be focusing on non-chronological reports.
Mr Slavin's group will also be starting a new topic of non-chronological reports.
Try these websites to help....
Mr Barker and Mrs Morgan's group will be completing a SAT paper at the beginning of the week and then using the results to inform our planning for the rest of week.
Miss Wright's and Mr Slavin's groups will be rehearsing mental and subtraction strategies and strategies for adding strings of 1 digit numbers and multiples of 10. Have a look at the following websites:
Year 5- Will be finishing off the current topic of Dissolving and aiming to plan their own investigation into the variables that affect dissolving. Children will need to consider what they will change and what they will keep the same and how to plan a fair test.
Year 6- We will be having a 10 minute quiz on Monday looking at the areas 'Forces in Motion' and 'Looking at Life' for the rest of the week we will be going over past SATs papers in order to test their current knowledge, and from this what they need to work on.
P.E Kits- There are still children who are forgetting to bring the correct kit for in school P.E. Can we urge children to remember to bring in their kits and if any items are lost in school children will spend their break looking for them. Please be aware that P.E is a compulsory part of the curriculum as well as encouraging your child to have a healthy lifestyle.
That is all for this week.
Have a good weekend
Year 5/6 team.