Sunday, 7 June 2009

Week Beginning 8th June 2009

Hi Everyone!

Hope you had a super half term! Although this half term is short, it is the last one before the Summer. We have lots of fun things to fit into it, so let us make a start.

On Wednesday after school Year 6 parents have the chance to watch the 'All About Me' video before children watch it on Friday, a letter went out before the end of last half term with a slip to confirm whether you will be attending or not. If you would like to attend please send back the slip or write a note in our home- school diary.



This week for Literacy we will be in our own classes

Kensuke's Kingdom
We will be starting a transition scheme of work that will be over a period of weeks. We will begin by familiarising ourselves with the story and starting to understand the setting and characters. We will also be focusing on drama using Conscience Alley, Freeze Framing and Thought Tracking to help us understand the story much better.


Year 5
Mr Slavin and Miss Wright's groups will this week be reviewing Fractions. We will be looking again to:
* Understand Mixed Numbers
* Change Mixed Numbers into Improper Fractions
* Find fractions of quantities and amounts involving money.

Please look at the following websites for help in using and applying fractions:

Year 6
Mr Tilling's group will spend this week reviewing areas that were covered last term. Mr Tilling will also be going through the answers to the SATs paper completed in May.

This term will see us starting a new Science topic 'Interdependence and Adaptation'

Children Must- Be able to recognise that plants need light and water to grow well.
Children should- Be able to recognise that a green plant needs light and water to grow well and that different animals and plants live in different habitats.
Children Could- Be able to Recognise that green plants are the source of food for all animals and they produce material for new growth from air and water in the presence of light.

Also remember to bring in your Sunflowers we are eager to see how much they have grown :)

Have a look at the following websites:

This half term we are starting a new topic of 'Choices' This week we will be looking at the choices that we make on a day to day basis and the consequences of the choices that we make.

Topic: Waterworlds

We have incorporated our Music, Art, Design Technology and Geography into our topic of 'Waterworlds'.
This week we will be researching Weather Patterns across the world. We will be focusing on deserts this week.

Have a great first week back.

Year 5/6 Team

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