Friday, 3 April 2009

Week Beginning 6th April 2009

Hello and welcome to last week of the Spring Term, here comes the summer, and hopefully the weather along with it!!!

Even though it is the last week of term we are still very Year 5 and 6.

Firstly could we say a big thank you from Mrs Walker for all the money collected on the spots and stripes day last Friday, she was really amazed by the response and she would like us to pass on her thanks.

On Tuesday afternoon this week we will holding our annual fundraising event in aid of the Nugent Care Society. The children have lots of interesting events planned and they will also be able to take part in activities that other children have put on, so it may a good idea if they have a small amount of change for the afternoon.

On Wednesday we will be holding our Easter Garden competition in the morning. The children will need to bring the gardens in on the morning of the competition and take them home from school that night as we do not have the space to store them. Thank you.

On Thursday we will be having an Easter Service in school in the morning. We will have songs, prayers and the Easter Story. As always you are welcome to join us in the celebration but please remember that space is limited.

This weeks curriculum....


Our children are working really hard in literacy at the moment and we have really seen an improvement in their reading and writing skills, well done children for all your effort.
This week Year 6's will be working on newspaper reports. We will be recapping the features and planning and writing our own newspaper report.
Try these websites in preparation:-

Year 5's will be continuing with their theme of persuasive writing.


Mrs Morgan's and Mr Barker's groups will be continuing with their revision programme.

Miss Wright's and Mr Slavin's groups will be looking at areas that we need to develop after assessing what we have learned this half term at the beginning of the week.


This week in science we will be working on the water cycle in preparation for our new topic of Waterworlds which we will be starting after the half term.
We will be researching the water cycle and producing a power point presentation on what we have learned.

Try these websites to help:-

Here I Am

We will be continuing with our topic of Growing as well as looking at the Easter Story.

The children will be expected to know how Christians try to grow during lent and how this is preparation for celebrating Easter.

Please remember we finish for the Easter holidays at 3pm and Thursday and return to school at 8.45am on Monday 20th April.

Boosters and one-to-one tuition will continue next week and will also take place on the first week back.

The Year 5/6 Team would like to thank all the staff for giving up their valuable time to help prepare the children for their SATs we really do appreciate it.

Finally, we would like to wish you a happy and holy Easter, and look forward to seeing the children in their summer uniforms and hope that they bring the weather with them!

Year 5/6 Team.

1 comment:

Mrs Worrall said...

...and we would like to wish Mrs Morgan 'Good Luck' as she starts her maternity leave at the end of this week. We look forward to hearing some baby news very soon after the holidays! xxx