Saturday 29 November 2008

Week Beginning 1st December 2008

Hi everyone, well it's finally here DECEMBER, and it's brought with it the Christmas weather!!

The friends of St. Vincent's annual Christmas Fayre took place this Saturday. It was a very festive occasion and was lovely to see so many of you there. The school council's bring and buy stall was a huge success as usual and we will let you know next week how much was raised. Thank you to everyone who helped out and to everyone for attending and making it such a successful event.

This week will be our assessment and review week.

Usually we would carry out our assessments in the last week of term but as Christmas is such an exciting time for the children, we felt it would only be fair to do this earlier, it will also help us to get the best out of the children.

The children will be assessed on Maths, English and Science which they have studied in this term. Please see this whole terms blogspots for the topics we have covered and for websites to help review your learning.

The children will also be reviewing the huge amount of ICT they have done this term by teaching Year 3 and 4 to use the new school laptops and teaching Year 1 to use the mini laptops.
Our Year 5 and 6 have become really skilled in this area and they will now be able to pass on their knowledge. They have planned their own lessons and will carry them out and then evaluate how their lessons went.

When we are not carrying out assessments the children will be writing their own biographies. They started this last week after hearing Roald Dahl's Boy for inspiration, they have produced some interesting work so far and we can't wait to see the finished result.

We did not have time to complete our bread experiment last week and therefore will be making our bread this week.

In Here I Am, the topic of birthdays now moves on to look at the season of advent. We will be looking at the advent wreath and it's meanings and discussing ways in which we prepare to celebrate Jesus' birth.

We also be deciding on reader and singers for our carol service this week and practising the songs and readings.

Finally, Mrs Narraway starts her maternity leave on Friday, we wish her well and hope to hear news of her new baby soon.

Thanks for visiting this weeks very short blogspot, see you next week.

Year 5/6 Team.

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