Sunday, 9 November 2008

Week Beginning 10th November 2008

Hi everyone, we are all settled back in now and ready for some hard work this half term.

Let get straight to it.


We will continue our work on Quests this week. Most of the learning objectives will be the same as last week but we will also be moving on to planning and writing our own quest stories.
Your child should have a sticker in their diary this week about extracts of movies that we will be watching in school this week.
All of the extracts are from children's movies e.g. The Golden Compass, The Spiderwick Chronicles, The Lord of the Rings etc but some of these movies are rated PG. If you do not wish your child to watch these then please put a note in their diaries to make us aware of this, we will check all the diaries before we watch any of the movies. Thank you.
The children will have to make notes when watching the movies to help them when they come to plan their own.


This week Mrs Morgan's and Mr Barker's groups will be working on averages and looking at mean, median, mode and range. We will find the mode and range of a set of data, begin to find the mean and median of a set of data and calculate different types of averages of a set of data.
Try these websites:-

Miss Wright's and Mr Slavin's groups will be working on frequency tables and pictograms.
They will be collecting their own data and constructing their own pictograms. They will also study other pictograms and interpret the data.
Try this website to help:-
You could also try making your own pictograms at home.


We will continue our work on micro-organisms. We will be looking at food hygiene this week and what it needs to survive. We will be going on a visit to the kitchen and having a look round at the hygiene and also looking at posters and rules that have to be followed when cooking.
You could help at home by discussing with your child how you ensure that your kitchen and food preparation is hygienic.


We will get back to our Greek topic this week. We will look at the Spartan Army and be designing our own shields and swords for a battle. If you have any cardboard boxes at home that you do not need could you please send them into school so we can use them to make our props.
Please send them in flat so that we can store them in classroom.
Have a look at these websites for information on the Spartan Army:-


The children have designed their orienteering courses this week and will be using them in the next few weeks in their PE lessons. They will need an outdoor PE kit for these activities. They need old clothes and old trainers as they will be going on the field and will get muddy. Thank you.

That's all for this week, until next time.

Year 5/6 Team.

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