Sunday, 12 July 2009

Week Beginning 13th July 2009

Hello and welcome to a very emotional blogspot, our last of this academic year!

Reports will be going out this week along with the children's end of year results, the children should feel very proud of the hard work that they have put in this year- Well Done Everyone!!
There are a number of things happening this week so here we go.

Musical Magic!

This week will see Year 5/6 transform into your favourite musical stars! Our production times this week will be Monday evening, starting at 6.45pm and then Tuesday afternoon at 1.30pm.
You should have received your tickets for both productions. If they have not made their way home please see one of the team as soon as possible. We cannot allow admission without a ticket due to health and safety.We would like to thank parents for their effort with the children's costumes, they are fantastic!


Can all Year 6s return their laptops along with their cases and chargers before Thursday please.

On Friday we have our leavers mass. It will take place in the school hall at 9am, you are very welcome to join us but as usual space is limited.
On Friday we say a final goodbye to out Year 6 children.
This is a very said time for us as we have watched them grow into the young people they are today. We hope that they will come back and visit us from time to time and make us feel really old!

We wish them all the luck in the world with lives, in high school and further.We will see our Year 5 children next year and they now know which teacher they will be having.

We look forward to welcoming our Year 4 children into Year 5/6.Finally thank you for your support this year, it has been very busy but happy and we have had a great time along the way!!See you in September.
Year 5/6 Team.


Mrs Worrall said...

And Good Luck to you Miss Wright for your wedding over the holidays! We hope you have a lovely day and bring lots of photos to show us xxx

Mrs Narraway's site said...

Well, my babies are leaving us! Good luck in the future to you all and remember to enjoy life to the full! love Mrs Narraway xxx

paula walker said...

Well done to all the Year 6 children for a fantastic production. Good luck to you all in your new venture at St.Greg's. Believe in yourselves and you will go far.Enjoy EVERY minute of High School!! Love Mrs Walker x x x