Saturday, 20 September 2008

Week Beginning 22nd September 2008

Hi everyone,

Well this week is the week our Year 6s head off for a fantastic week at the Conway Centre! If you are reading this children please do not drive your parents up the wall this weekend with your excitement, I'm sure they are already very jealous of all the fun you are going to have at the centre and there is no need to rub it in, I know I am really envious of all the fantastic activities you will do while there. Please make sure you get loads of sleep over the weekend you will definitely need it.

Mr Barker, Miss Wright, Mr Slavin and Mrs Walker will be accompanying the children to the centre and we thank them for giving up their own time and families to make the trip possible.

Mrs Morgan will be staying at school this week with the Year 5's, just because we are not going to the Conway centre this week doesn't mean that we can't have just as much fun back at school, we are going to have an out of this world time!!

This week we are going to take on theme of SPACE. There are lots of activities planned for the children around this theme and we will have a great time while also learning at lot.

We will be making are very own 3d planets, designing our own imaginary planets, making leaflets for aliens and writing our very own planet poetry.

Homework this week will take the form of a presentation to be completed by Friday. They can choose any of the planets in the solar system to complete their presentation on. They should look at the size of the planet, it's landscape, distance from the sun, climate, moons etc.
They can choose how to display their work, whether it be a powerpoint presentation, some art work or a model, it's up to them to decide.
Try these websites:- Key Stage 2 –5E – Earth, Sun and Moon – A cyberhunt for children.

This week in maths we will be focusing on Area and Perimeter. We will be learning to understand area measured in square centimetres. Understand and use the formula in words 'length x breadth' for the area of a rectangle. Understand, measure and calculate perimeters of rectangles.
Try these websites to get you started:- Perimeter and area songs on teacher tube, please supervise your child if they are going to use this link at not all the videos on youtube should be accessed by children.

In PE this week the children will be doing some dance work on the planets.
Warrington Wolves will be coming into school to work with the children playing tag rugby. They will start this week on Wednesday and will come in for the rest of the half term every Wednesday afternoon. Please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school at all times.

On Friday this week it will be non-uniform day for the Harvest Festival. The children can come into school wearing non-uniform clothes and we ask that they bring an item for the Harvest Festival. Thank you.

That's the end of this weeks short blogspot, we hope are Year 6 have a great time at Conway.

Year 5/6 Team.

1 comment:

Mrs Worrall said...

Have a great time at Conway Year 6! Make sure you bring back lots of photographs and stories, so you can use them to make some great podcasts when you return. Mrs Worrall xx