Sunday, 28 September 2008

Week Beginning 29th September 2008

Hi everyone and welcome to this week's blogspot.

We welcomed our Year 6's back from the Conway Centre on Friday, very tired and suntanned! They had a fantastic time and I'm sure they have been very tired this weekend. Their behaviour was fantastic and the staff at the Conway Centre always comment on how well the children from St. Vincent's behave, this year was no exception and again the staff were really impressed. Well done children you were a credit to yourselves, our school and your parents.

Our 5's had a great time in school learning about space and all that it entails, they were really interested in this topic and directed their own learning around what they wanted to know. Thank you to the children for completed their homework presentations in such a professional way. We really enjoyed them and learned a lot, we were very impressed with the effort that had gone into to them. Thank you.

We would also like to thank you for all the generous donations for our Harvest Festival. We will be holding Harvest Festival Mass in school on Tuesday morning at 9.10am. Feel free to join us but please remember as always space is limited.

This week we all get back together and continue with our curriculum for this half term.


We are continuing with our poetry theme this week. The children have read and responded to lots of different poems by Pie Corbett and Valerie Bloom.
This week they will be learning to:-

Understand different ways to take the lead and support others in groups.
Make notes on and use evidence from across a text to explain ideas. Compare different types of poems and identify how they are structured.

Compare different types of poems and identify how they are structured.
Experiment with different poetry forms and styles to write their own poems. Adapt non-narrative forms and styles to write poetry.
Adapt sentence construction to achieve different effects.
Use ICT programs to present texts.
Perform a poem making use of dramatic conventions.

There is a lot to get through this week but basically the children will be using what they have learned in the previous week to write, improve and inform their own poetry.


This week in numeracy Mr Barker and Mrs Morgan's group will be consolidating knowing by heart the division facts up to 10 x 10., using the relationship between multiplication and division to multiply and divide mentally.
Express a number as a fraction or a decimal rounded to one decimal place and consolidate rounding up and down after division.

Miss Wright's and Mr Slavin's group will be concentrating on similar objectives but will be looking at at having a remainder after dividing instead of expressing it as a fraction or decimal.

The children will also have some numeracy word lists stuck into their diaries this week. The lists look similar to the High Frequency Words lists. The words are to be used to help the children understand the language of mathematics. The children will be focusing on 3 words a week and will have to be able to read and understand them.
A good website to help with this is:-


We will be continuing our topic of reversible and irreversible change. This week we shall be baking some bread to help us understand how a new material is formed after an irreversible change.
Why not try baking some cakes or pancakes at home to help demonstrate this?


Our Ancient Greek topic this week will focus on looking at understanding how the physical geography of Greece affected how the Ancient Greeks settled.
Find out about the past from a range of sources of info. Ask &d answer questions about the past, selecting relevant info.

We will be looking at the physical geography of Ancient Greece and modern Greece.
Try these websites to help:-


Last week the Warrington Wolves coaches had to cancel the Year 5's first sessions of Tag Rugby training.
We are assured that they will be in school this week to start the children's training on Wednesday afternoon.
On Thursday the children will be continuing with their Ancient Olympics theme.

That's it for another busy week in Year 5/6.

Until next week.

Year 5/6 Team.

Saturday, 20 September 2008

Week Beginning 22nd September 2008

Hi everyone,

Well this week is the week our Year 6s head off for a fantastic week at the Conway Centre! If you are reading this children please do not drive your parents up the wall this weekend with your excitement, I'm sure they are already very jealous of all the fun you are going to have at the centre and there is no need to rub it in, I know I am really envious of all the fantastic activities you will do while there. Please make sure you get loads of sleep over the weekend you will definitely need it.

Mr Barker, Miss Wright, Mr Slavin and Mrs Walker will be accompanying the children to the centre and we thank them for giving up their own time and families to make the trip possible.

Mrs Morgan will be staying at school this week with the Year 5's, just because we are not going to the Conway centre this week doesn't mean that we can't have just as much fun back at school, we are going to have an out of this world time!!

This week we are going to take on theme of SPACE. There are lots of activities planned for the children around this theme and we will have a great time while also learning at lot.

We will be making are very own 3d planets, designing our own imaginary planets, making leaflets for aliens and writing our very own planet poetry.

Homework this week will take the form of a presentation to be completed by Friday. They can choose any of the planets in the solar system to complete their presentation on. They should look at the size of the planet, it's landscape, distance from the sun, climate, moons etc.
They can choose how to display their work, whether it be a powerpoint presentation, some art work or a model, it's up to them to decide.
Try these websites:- Key Stage 2 –5E – Earth, Sun and Moon – A cyberhunt for children.

This week in maths we will be focusing on Area and Perimeter. We will be learning to understand area measured in square centimetres. Understand and use the formula in words 'length x breadth' for the area of a rectangle. Understand, measure and calculate perimeters of rectangles.
Try these websites to get you started:- Perimeter and area songs on teacher tube, please supervise your child if they are going to use this link at not all the videos on youtube should be accessed by children.

In PE this week the children will be doing some dance work on the planets.
Warrington Wolves will be coming into school to work with the children playing tag rugby. They will start this week on Wednesday and will come in for the rest of the half term every Wednesday afternoon. Please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school at all times.

On Friday this week it will be non-uniform day for the Harvest Festival. The children can come into school wearing non-uniform clothes and we ask that they bring an item for the Harvest Festival. Thank you.

That's the end of this weeks short blogspot, we hope are Year 6 have a great time at Conway.

Year 5/6 Team.

Sunday, 14 September 2008

Week Beginning 15th September 2008

Hi and welcome to this week's blog.

We have now finished our induction and assessment period in school and this week will embark on the Year 5/6 curriculum.

This week we will be holding our annual induction meetings. This year we have decided to do two different meetings for Year 5 and 6 as the issues in each year group is different.
Our Year 5 induction meeting will take place on Tuesday 16th September at 3.15pm and our Year 6 induction meeting will take place on Wednesday 17th September at 3.15pm, we look forward to seeing you there.

On Thursday 18th September at 3.30pm somebody from the Conway Centre will be coming into school to give a presentation on to the parents of our Year 6 children about their visit to the centre. Staff will also be at the meeting and there will be the chance for you to ask any questions you may have.


In Literacy this week we will be looking at Poetry and in particular to the power of imagery in poetry.
We will learn to understand what personification means.
Compare how writers from different times and places present experiences and use language. Understand how writers use different structures to create coherence and impact.
Select words and language drawing on their knowledge of literary features.

Try these websites to remind you of the different features of poems. revision on poetry features. a selection of poems. a collection on humorous poems.

The children will be put into their numeracy groups this week. There will be four groups taught by Mr Barker, Mr Slavin, Miss Wright and Mrs Morgan.
This week as it's the first week all the children will be starting the week with a times tables test.
They will then go onto looking at place value.
Mr Barker and Mrs Morgan's groups will be multiplying and dividing whole numbers and decimals by 10, 100, 1000
By the end of the week they..
MUST be able to multiply and divide whole numbers by 10, 100, and 1000.
SHOULD be able to multiply and divide decimal numbers by 10, 100 and 1000.
COULD multiply and divide whole numbers and decimal numbers by 10000 and 100000.

Miss Wright and Mr Slavin's groups will be learning to read and write whole numbers in figures and words and know what each digit represents. They will use the vocabulary of ordering numbers including the symbols < > and =.

Try these websites for some practice. ordering whole numbers.

Here I Am
Our Here I Am topic is Myself. At the beginning of this topic we will be looking at the qualities the children have or would like to have and what God is like.

Our topic this term will be the Ancient Greeks, we thought this would be a fitting topic having watched the Olympic games over the summer.
The children have already completed some research at home to get them started with the topic and this week we will be correctly sequencing periods in history including Ancient Greece.
Placing events people and changes into periods of time. Using dates and vocabulary relating to the passing of time, including ancient, modern, BC AD century and decade.

Here are some Ancient Greek websites to arose your interest.

The children started their PE lessons last week. They are completing work on Ancient Greek Olympics and a unit of work on Greek dance.
Could you please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school at all times, there were 8 children in one class without PE kits this week! If children do not have their PE kits this week they will miss golden time. PE is a required part if the curriculum and it's also crucial to children's physical development.

That's all for this week.

Year 5/6 Team.

Friday, 5 September 2008

Week Beginning 8th September 2008

Hi everyone and welcome to a new school year!

We would like to start this week by thanking all the children for coming back to school looking so smart and with with fantastic attitudes and behaviour. We spent Wednesday, Thursday and Friday getting used to school routines and getting to know each other.
This week will be spent assessing the children so that we have a clearer idea of what each child's targets are and how we can plan work so that the children achieve their full potential.
There will also be a lot of other activities going on this week.

This blogspot will be updated every weekend in preparation for the week ahead. We will include details of everything your child will be learning, ideas of how you can support your child and websites which can you can access at home to continue what has been learned at school.
If there is anything which we haven't included and you feel would be useful, then please do let us know!

Please ensure your child brings a coat to school, we have had a number of children with no coats last week and with the weather being so bad they really do need one. Thank you.

PE in Year 5/6 this year will take place on a Thursday and Friday, please ensure that your child's PE kit is in school this week as we will be starting. Thursday's PE session will be taken by Mrs Morgan and Friday's PE session will be taken by your child's class teacher.

There are still some outstanding medical forms for the Conway trip. We really can't stress how important it is for these to be sent in, we need to send them off to the centre as soon as possible so they can prepare themselves for our arrival.
On Thursday 18th September at 3.30pm somebody from the Conway Centre will be holding a meeting in school about your child's trip. This is your opportunity to find out what they will be doing while there and also to ask any questions about the centre.
Teachers will also be at the meeting, so if you need to ask any questions or are worried about anything then please do not hesitate to speak to them.

Homework will begin next week for Year 5/6, although spellings will be sent out this week. Each week, your child will receive a set of spellings, which they need to learn for a spelling test on Fridays. We would also like them to use these spellings, to create a series of sentences, to develop their vocabulary, punctuation and sentence structure.
They will also bring home a piece of numeracy and literacy to be completed on a weekly basis. Literacy and Numeracy will be given out on MONDAYS to be returned on THURSDAYS.
Science homework will be given out on WEDNESDAYS to be returned on TUESDAYS. We would ask that you sign and date your child's homework before they hand it in.
A research homework sheet did go home this week. We sent this home in preparation for starting our topic of the Greeks. This is not a formal, assessed piece of homework we just though it would be better if the children have a bit of background information before we start the topic. There are suggested websites on the sheet for you to have a look at this week.

Induction meeting
We will be holding our annual induction meetings on Tuesday 16th at 3.15pm for Year 5 parents and Wednesday 17th at 3.15pm for Year 6 parents. We have decided to spilt the induction meetings this year as we need to address different issues in Year 5 and Year 6. We will be discussing all the issues that are important throughout the year, as well as giving you the opportunity to ask us anything that can help to support your child's learning. We look forward to seeing you there.

Finally, your child should bring home their diary EVERY day for you to read and sign. This blogspot is a means of communicating activities and news for all of year 5/6, but the diary is an individual way we can inform you of your child's progress. It can be difficult to get your child to read aloud at this age, but you can still check their understanding of the text by asking them questions about what they have read. We love reading your comments in the diaries and it gives your child a real boost to know that you are helping them in their learning.

Here's to happy week!

Year 5/6 Team.