Sunday, 27 January 2008

Week Beginning 4th February 2008

Hi everyone, welcome to the end of another half term!!

What a great week last week was, we would like to thank eveyone who has been to the bookfair so far and we would like to remind you that it is still open until Tuesday so if you haven't been yet please do come along. Thank you also must go to everyone who has donated a book to their child's class, this really is much appreciated.
The children had a fantastic time working with David Horner and produced some excellent tongue twisters.
We were really impressed with the ammount of year 5 and 6 children that came dressed up as a book character on Friday, lots of effort had gone into this and we would like to thank you for entering into the spirit of bookweek.
A big thank you must also go to Mrs Narraway for organising the events during book week.

It is Ash Wednesday on Wednesday this week (I know feels like it was Christmas yesterday!!) we will be holding a service in school at 9am. Please feel free to join us but as usual space is limited. Ashes will be distributed to the adults in the hall after the service, the children will recieve theirs in class afterwards.

On Friday this week we will be having a non-uniform day in aid of Marie Currie. Connor Green one of our year 6 children has organised this event after loosing some family members to cancer. The children will be asked to bring £1 donation for coming in their own clothes. Connor will also be organising a raffle during the week to be drawn on Friday.

The last week of a half term is as always assess and review week.


We will be carrying on with our topic of Stories from Other Cultures. We will use this week to assess the children's writing and by the end of the week they will have produced a piece of timed writing to be assessed based around the topic of Stories from Other Cultures.
We will also be assessing comprehension skills and giving the children a story with questions to go with it.

Please remember it is really important to read with your child at home. After half term we will be carrying out the Hertfordshire Reading Test and would love it if all the children's reading ages went up.

Please see previous blogspots for websites on Stories from Other Cultures.


Miss Wright and Mrs Morgan's group will start of the week finishing off their work on fractions and decimals from last week. They have tried really hard and done really well with this but as it is a complecated topic they do need to continue with it until their knowledge is sound.
We will spend the rest of the week reviewing what we have covered in this half term and doing short mini tests on each topic. We will also review the children's ISP targets. They should be aware of where they are with these as they are at different levels, check their diaries to see what their targets are.

Mrs Millington's group will be doing much the same as the other two groups. They will continue with their symmetry topic at the beginning of the week and then move onto reviewing the topics they have covered so far, by completing mini tests.

Please look back over this term's blogs to remind yourself of the work that has been covered so far. There are lots of websites for you to go on to review your knowledge.


This week in Science we will continue our topic of 'Keeping Healthy'. We will be learning that we need exercise to stay healthy and to maintain our muscles and that when we exercise, our muscles work harder. We also be learning about the parts of the body that need to work harder when we exercise.

Try these websites..............

Here I Am

This week we will begin our new topic of Thanksgiving.
During this topic the children will:-
That thanks are not always given, know the key words: thanksgiving, appreciate, reject, ungrateful.
On times when they have given and received thanks and when they have not.

That the children appreciate the importance of giving thanks.
That the children’s own exploration of THANKSGIVING is enriched by learning about the Eucharist, the great act of thanksgiving; the challenge the Eucharist makes to Christians.

That the children recall and review the work explored in the topic and are helped to decide the best way of celebrating “Thanksgiving” and experience a prayerful celebration
That the children formulate and record statements of new knowledge and understanding.
That the children find ways of holding onto their new understanding into the future and think about what they can share with their family today.

That's all for this week. Thank you for your support have a happy and safe half term. We will see you at 8.45am on Monday 18th February.

Year 5/6 Team.

1 comment:

Mrs Narraway's site said...

Hi there Year 5 and 6
Just a quick note to say a huge thank you for entering so much into the spirit of book week. It meant a lot to me.
Mrs Narraway x