As you have probably noticed the weather has really cooled down in the last week so could you please ensure that all children have a warm coat everyday for school.
The Year 5's are continuing to do rugby training outside and it is essential that they have a warm outdoor kit especially with the weather being so cold.
The dates were mixed up last week with the drama teacher so it is due to start this week, the Year 6's are really looking forward to it now as they were ready to start last week!!
Could we also ask the children to keep plugging away with the songs for the Young Voices Concert. We know it is hard without the music but due to copyright we cannot copy and send the cd's home. Parents you will probably know a lot of the songs anyway, so get singing in the car or while your cooking tea!!
On Friday this week Father Richard is coming in to talk to the children regarding our topic signs and symbols, he will talk about what sign and symbols are important to us in the Catholic Faith.
This week it is also National Anti-Bullying week. During the week we will be doing lots of activities based around the subject of bullying. Each phase team will then have to put something together to show to the rest of the school a week on Monday.
On Friday it is Blue Friday, the children will be allowed to come into school wearing something blue to support National Anti-Bullying Week.
Ready for the curriculum? Here we go.......
This week in literacy we are starting a new unit on Traditional Stories, Fables, Myths and Legends.
In phase one of the topic we will be reading and analysing features of the text-type. Making comparisons between different versions of the same legend.
By the end of this phase the children.....
Must classify features of different fiction genres; describe similarities and differences between different versions of the same story. (teacher observation, self-assessment).
Should classify features of different fiction genres; describe similarities and differences between different versions of the same story and support their opinions by referring to evidence in the text; (teacher observation, self-assessment).
Could classify features of different fiction genres; describe similarities and differences between different versions of the same story and support their opinions by referring to evidence in the text; compose and manipulate sentences for different audiences and purposes (teacher observation, self-assessment). read and respond to the stories. create your own stories. for myths and legends based in and around Wales.
The children should all be aware of the targets they have been given in class, (published on previous blog) please make sure you are working on these targets whenever you get any spare time.
Again, congratulations must go to all those children who have achieved an award for their times tables. There are quite a lot now and we can tell that the children are working really hard learning them.
On Monday this week Miss Wright's and Mrs Morgan's groups will be testing their skills, baking fairy cakes! This is a follow on from last weeks work of looking a grams and kilograms. It is also important that the children can read scales so there will be a variety of scales available for measuring the ingredients. We really hope the children are good chefs as they will have to take the lead role and teach Mrs Morgan to bake, as she is hopeless!
For the rest of the week we will be working on Fractions.
By the end of the week they will be able to use fraction notation, including mixed numbers and the vocabulary 'numerator' and 'denominator'.
Change an improper fraction to a mixed number and vice versa.
Recognise when two simple fractions are equivalent.
Relate tenths and hundredths.
Estimate simple proportions such as one third, seven tenths.,%20Decimals%20and%20Percentages
In Mrs Millington's group we will be reviewing our work on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. These are the pins that hold our mathematical knowledge together, it is really important to keep reviewing them at every opportunity we get.
The children will be learning to apply their mathematical knowledge by solving real life problems.
After looking at the planets and the solor system in general it is now time to start to look at just the Sun, Earth and Moon.
We will be looking at how the Earth orbits the Sun and how the Moon orbits the Earth and what these means for humans.
We will be talking about how we get days, years and months.
By the end of the week the children must learn that the Earth takes a year to make one complete orbit of the Sun, spinning as it goes and that it is not always easy to gain information about phenomena eg the length of a year using first-hand experience.
Here are some websites that may help:- do the activities adn then complete the quiz to test your knowledge. embark on an intergalatic adventure and help to save the future of space travel.
The children have really been enjoying their orienteering sessions with Mr McGreal, this will continue this week and the competition is hotting up!!
This week's topc will be replaced with the activities we will be completing for anti-bullying week. Have a look at the website for some ideas.
That's all for now.
Year 5/6 Team.
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