Friday, 4 April 2008

Week Beginning 7th April 2008

Hi and welcome to this weeks blogspot.

We had a great time last week as it was science week. We did activities all week and finished off the week by having a science show which was really interactive and informative.

The children came back really smart last week, some braving the weather in their summer uniforms. There are a few pairs of trainers creeping in especially on the boys, therefore we ask if you could please ensure your child is wearing black school shoes and not trainers, thank you.

The Year 6 children are working their socks off with their revision and it is really showing when we assess them. Thank you for all your hard work in school and at home.

This week the Year 5's will be completing and improving their argument and re-writing it as a letter written to persuade. They have worked really hard on this topic and we look forward to reading their finished pieces of writing.

Try these websites to review your learning:- design your own persuasive poster. answer some simple questions and design your own travel advert. persuasive writing workshop. revision of persuasive writing.!B121cf29d70ec8a3d54a33343010cc2 points for persuasive writing and other genres. understanding persuasive writing.

Even though the Year 6's are revising this week, some of these websites may help them with revision on persuasive writing.

This week Miss Wright's and Mrs Morgan's group will be using standard units of capacity and converting from larger to smaller and estimating, measuring and drawing angles in degrees.
By the end of the week they
MUST be able to record estimates and readings from capacity scales.
SHOULD be able to estimate the size of an angle in degrees.
COULD use a protractor to measure and draw angles to the nearest 5 degrees.

Mr Barker and Mrs Millington's group will continue with their revision.

This week in Science we will be continuing last week's Science theme of Electricity and Magnets.
The objectives for this are on last week's blogspot, here are some websites to help you on your way. a selection of websites concentrating on circuits. a great website on circuits. revisewise on electricity and magnets. selection of websites on forces and magnetism.

For the next half term the children will benefit from a dance teacher coming and teaching them during PE. We have worked with the dance teacher before and she is excellent and the children will enjoy their lessons. Please ensure your child has an indoor PE kit in school.

The Year 5's will continue working on their mantle of the expert in time travel. They have designed and advertised a time travelling devise which took them back to Victorian Times. Mrs Teeling then came and did a talk for the children on The Victorians which they all enjoyed. Thank you Mrs Teeling.
If we have any other parents who would like to come and talk about subjects we are learning in school just let one of the Year 5/6 Team know.

Here I Am
This week we will be starting a new topic of Holidays and Holy days. This week we will be working on the recognise section of the topic and will recognise what makes a day recreative, renewing, relaxing and restful.
The key words for this part of the topic will be holidays, recreative, renewing, relaxing, restful.

Thanks and have a good week.

Year 5/6 Team.

1 comment:

Emily M said...
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