We only have a couple of weeks left but there is still so much to do!
Well done to all of the children who took part in the Cross Country Tournament last Thursday at Cinammon Brow Primary School, the children tried very hard especially keeping going through the wind and rain- A Big Well Done.
Just a reminder that on the Wednesday of next week we will be judging our Easter Gardens competition and we are very much looking forward to seeing the finished pieces of work as they are always fantastic.
Homework- Year 6: As from next week as we only have a few weeks left we have decided to change the format of the homework. Children will be sent home individual homework for Literacy, Maths and Science as we are aware that most children have now come to the end of working through their CGP revision books.
Mrs Morgan's and Miss Wright's groups will be looking at Persuasive Writing this week in revision sessions. We will be studying the features of persuasive texts and planning and writing our own. here are some websites to have a look at:
Mr Slavin's class will also be looking at persuasive writing, looking at different advertisements in the media, finally leading upto creating a new V.I.P product which the children will have to advertise and persuade people to buy.
Year 6
Mrs Morgan's and Mr Barker's groups will be carrying on with their revision timetable. See previous blogs for websites.
Year 5
Miss Wright's and Mr Slavin's groups will be looking at Co-Ordinates most of the week. Learning how to read and plot co0ordinates in the first quadrant. We will also be looking to rehearse names and properties of common 2 d shapes. here are some websites to try:
Year 5
Mr Slavin's group will be starting the new topic of ' Forces in Motion' in which children will be understanding why objects float and sink and how the force of gravity keeps us on the ground.
Year 6
Mrs Morgan's and Miss Wright's groups will be reviewing work done on forces and moving onto how forces can be measured. We are also having our weekly Science quiz on Monday afternoon in which we are focusing on Plants.
Just a note to say how well the Year 6s are doing within their Booster sessions they are really working hard- Keep up the good work everyone!!
You may have got a letter this week informing you that your child has been selected for one-to-one tuition sessions. The sessions are aimed at children that we feel with this extra last minute boost they could make it into the next level. We really appreciate the fact that lots of the staff in school have given up their time and agreed to run these sessions. Staff are very busy after the school day keeping up with the paper work for their own classes and the fact that they have agreed to give up 2 of those busy nights to help our Year 6 children is fantastic of them. Thank you very much.
The children are planning a fundraising afternoon for next Tuesday. They may have come home and told you about the ideas their group have. We hold this event annually at this time of year and the children do raise a lot of money for CAFOD. We are always really impressed with their efforts and maturity when it comes to this event and we are sure this year will be no different.
That's all for this week.
Year 5/6 Team