Sunday, 27 April 2008

Week Beginning 28th April 2008

Hello everyone, welcome to another action packed week in the world of Year 5/6.

Our Year 6 children only have 2 weeks left until their SATs, this week we are going to do a practice run of the tests in the hall. The children are used to the format of the papers but they have been mostly doing them in classrooms, in order to keep them as calm as possible on the actual week we need to get them used the way the SATs will be administered. We will complete some past papers in the hall at the beginning of the week. We would like to thank the other classes in school for doing their PE sessions outside during this time.

Here's what else will be happening this week:-

We are looking at non- chronological reports. Last week we looked at the features and started to plan our 'Earth children at school' report. This week we will be concentrating on writing it up including all the features we have looked at last week. By the end of this week the children will have learned to:-

Select appropriate word order in sentences to create interest and to increase precision,
clarity and economy. Plan, compose, edit and refine short non-chronological reports … focusing on clarity, conciseness and impersonal style. Discuss, proofread and edit their own writing for clarity and correctness, e.g. by creating more complex sentences, using a range of connectives, simplifying clumsy constructions.

Literacy homework will be a bit different this as it will focus on talking. It is a proven fact the talking improves writing. The whole of Key Stage 2 will have talking homework this week. We would like your family to have a discussion and then make a note of it in their diaries to prove the homework has been completed.

This week Miss Wright's and Mrs Morgan's group will be learning to:-
Understand concepts of reflection.
Learn about the terms ‘reflective symmetry’ and ‘axis of symmetry’ and draw lines of symmetry in regular polygons.
Draw the reflection of shapes in a mirror line.

Here are some websites to get you started:- use this website to give you some ideas to draw your own symmetrical pictures. make a pattern and see it reflected.

Mr Barker's and Mrs Millington's group will be doing some past papers and going through them.

This week we are starting our new topic of changing state. We will be doing a mind map and then discussing the differences between solids liquids and gases. We also will be looking at 2 concept cartoons called 'Balloon' and 'lemonade' Children will have to look at the cartoon and identify the misconceptions within the speech bubbles.

Try these websites:- see what happens to objects when the are heated up and cooled down. Pod's mission on hot and cold. bbc science clips. complete the diagram. watch what happens to the particles when things change state.

Here I Am
This is the last week of Holidays and Holy Days and the children will review their learning and look at the Holy Spirit and Pentecost.

Have a great week.
Year 5/6 Team

Saturday, 19 April 2008

Week Beginning 21st April 2008

Hi welcome to this week's blog.

First all we would like to thank all the parents who attended parents evening, thank you for coming and trying to stick to your times we appreciate it.
Some of our children went to The Cathedral of Christ the King in Liverpool this week. They went to present the money we raised during out lent fundraising. They had a lovely time at the Cathedral and we would like to thank everyone in school contributed to the cause.

We have another busy week this week as usual so let's get down to it.


The literacy homework for Year 5's this week will involved them coming home with a picture that has a titles and a sentence underneath it. They will have to use this sentence as a start for them to write a story. They can use the writing levelling system that they used to level their writing at home a few weeks ago to see what they need to include to take their writing up to the next level.

During their literacy lessons the Year 5 children will move from persuasive writing to looking at non-chronological reports. They will be focusing on identifying the features and planning their own report. They will plan a report to write to an alien about our school. They are going to be using the non chronological planning skeleton to plan their report under different headings.

The Year 6 children will be carrying on with their revision and looking at the different types of non-fiction writing this week.


This week Miss Wright's and Mrs Morgan's group will be moving on from written formal methods of addition to formal methods of subtraction. The children have visited these topics before but they need constant review in order for them to use them effectively and successfully.

They will be subtracting integers of less than 10000 using formal written methods and subtracting numbers with upto 2 decimal places.

They will be using the method that parents were more than likely taught at school, where a number borrows from the number next to it (decomposition).

Mr Barker and Mrs Millington's group are still working really hard with their revision, please look at previous blogspots for revision websites.


The Year 5's are on their last week of gases around us and this week they will be looking at the water cycle, I can feel the water cycle boogie coming on!!

They will be looking at a day in the life of a raindrop.

Try these websites:- interesting facts about the water cycle. diagram and a water cycle quiz. story of a water droplet.

This week it is St. Georges Day, The Patron Saint of England. We will be looking at St Georges in our RE lessons, have a look at this website for more information.

Have a great week.

Year 5/6 Team.

Saturday, 12 April 2008

Week Beginning 14th April 2008

Hello everyone,

This week is parents evening, you should have already received your appointment day and time. Only 5 minutes per child is allocated, please stick to this time and if you find you need more time to discuss an issue please arrange it with your child's teacher.

The Year 6's are working really hard on their revision and we are really pleased with their attitudes. Including this week we only have 4 weeks left until the SATs. Why not use this time to look over any questions you have struggled with in the test we have done so far. If you take a look at previous blogspots you will find numerous websites to help you with your revision. Keep it up everyone we are nearly there!!

Mrs Millington was really pleased with the response from the family tree homework that was sent home last week. The children really loved tracing their families back and finding out new things, I'm sure you parents were really interested in doing this too.
This week the Year 5's will continue with their theme of Victorians for homework. They will need to use their research skills and then present the information they have found out. Here is what will be included in the sheet that will be sent home on Monday.

Year 5 Victorian Project Homework Week beginning 14th April 2008

Famous Victorians.

Thank you for the fantastic Family Tree information completed for last week’s homework. Hopefully you also learned some information about your family that you didn’t know already!
For your Homework this week we would like you to complete a small presentation to present to the rest of year 5 on Monday 21st April.
The title for your presentation is ‘Famous Victorians’, and each person will be given 5 minutes to present.
This is supposed to be a small piece of fact-finding homework to replace this week’s Literacy Homework. Research skills will be needed, so Literacy knowledge is very important.
You need to choose a person who contributed to Victorian society, and who we would now class as ‘Famous’. Examples of people are….
Queen Victoria
Florence Nightingale
Lewis Carroll (of particular interest to Warrington/Daresbury)
Charles Darwin
Joseph Lister
Robert Louis Stevenson
Alexander Graham Bell
Sir Robert Peel
Charles Dickens.
This is a very small list and we are sure that when you start to research you will find lots of other people.
We want you to choose one person (you can choose more, but remember you only have 5 minutes) and prepare information about their life to share with the rest of year 5. You can be as imaginative as you like with how you present the information. Possible ideas are…
A mind map of facts.
Drawing of the person with key facts.
Information poster.
Simple speech.
Power point presentation
Construct simple artifacts that represent the person.
We are sure you can come up with even more ideas of your own!
You will have slightly longer to complete this homework, as it does not have to be in school until the Monday of the presentation. This gives you an extra weekend to work on material.
Please remember that this is only a small presentation and that we do not want you to make lots of resources, and spend lots of time on it. In fact, you should only spend a little longer than you would do normally.

Here are some websites to get you started with your research:- information on famous Victorians from another junior school. ideas for famous Victorians you could research. links to websites on famous Victorians. photo graphs and ideas to use in your presentation.


Last week we asked the children to spend 15 minutes per night reading their reading book. This is to speed up their reading. They could have a little competition and try and beat the number of pages they read the night before. It is an important to skill to be able to read and understand and this will help them with every subject in the curriculum. Please encourage your child to do this. We know how busy modern life is but maybe you could make it a family activity where everyone in the house reads for 15 minutes at the same time each night.

Year 5's this week will be designing an advert to promote a new soft drink. Look out for soft drink adverts on t.v and on the radio.
They will use all the skills they have learned in previous weeks to persuade people to purchase their product.


This week Miss Wright's and Mrs Morgan's group will be learning to add two integers less than 10000 using written methods and add two place decimals using written methods.
The children will learn many different methods to do this, this is because some people find different ways easier, so we teach all the methods and then the children can choose the method they find easiest. If you want help your child at home you can show them the method you use but explain to them that there are different ways of doing things. If you want to help them to add numbers with two decimal places then the best way to do this is to use money. Why not try giving them some problems to work out. e.g. Matthew went to the shop and bought a coat for £35.99 and a pair of trousers for £24.49, how much did he spend altogether?

Mr Barker and Mrs Millington's group will be continuing with their revision.


The children will go back to their topic of gases around us. They will learn that gases are different from solids and liquids in terms of how they do not maintain their shape and volume
that gases flow more easily than liquids and in all directions.

The children made volcanoes in a previous lesson and they are now going to take them on the playground and make them erupt, weather permitting!
This will help them see the differences between the states and the fact they you can have gases and liquids together at the same time.

Year 6 could try to answer some of these questions for revision. In this week's revision sessions they will be looking at the parts of a flower.

5a Keeping Healthy
Which exercise affects pulse rates the most?
Which becomes fatigued faster - dominant or non-dominant arm/leg?
What forms of relaxation can slow down our resting heart rate?
How should we store and prepare our rice crispies to get the best ‘snap, crackle and
Which type of biscuit is the best for dunking into a hot drink?
Are some makes of waterproof plaster more effective than others?
Are different makes of pan scourer equally effective?
Are some washing up liquids better at removing grease than others?
Are some makes of soap more effective at cleansing than others?
5b Life Cycles
What do seeds require in order to germinate?
How is seed germination affected by size/ soaking/ light/ temperature/ motion
What is the best seed design for effective wind dispersal?
What are the possible factors which affect the rate at which frogspawn develops in
the classroom compared to the pond?
What are the possible factors which affect the rate at which maggots change into
5c Gases Around Us
How do sugar/ yeast/ temperature affect fermentation rate of juice?
How does the brand of washing up liquid affect the size of bubbles?
Do different soils have different amounts of air in them?
Which brand of antacids/effervescent tablets produces bubbles for the longest?
Do all brands of sparkling water have the same amount of fizz?
What factors affect the time a candle burns for when placed under a glass jar?
What factors affect the rising time of yeast dough?
What factors affect the amount of gas produced when vinegar is added to baking
Does the colour of a balloon make a difference to how the air trapped inside is
affected by temperature?
How does the type of balloon which is used affect the performance of a jet propelled
straw – balloon rocket along a string course?
How does the type of lid used affect the performance of a balloon hovercraft?
How does the length of tubing between two syringes affect performance as a
pneumatic linkage?
5d Changing State
How is evaporation of a liquid affected by size of container/ viscosity/ moving air/
additives/ temperature?
What makes a good day for drying clothes?
What factors affect the process of evaporation?
Do all liquids evaporate completely?
How is boiling time of water affected by adding salt?
How is the freezing point of water affected by adding salt?
5e Earth, Sun and Moon
How is the size of shadow affected by the size of object/relative distances between
light source, object and shadow /brightness of light source?
How does the length of string alter the number of orbits the ball on the end makes?
How does the angle that light from the Sun (angle poise lamp) falls on the Earth
affect the temperature at the surface (sand tray)?
How does the size and mass of meteorites (balls) affect the size of the crater they
make on the planet surface (sand tray)?
If the Earth (globe) was further away from the Sun (lamp) would it make a difference
to the temperature on the Earth?
5f Changing Sounds
How is the volume of a bell affected by the surface it is on?
What material conducts sound the best?
What material is the most effective sound insulator?
How does pitch affect the volume/distance a sound can be heard from?
How does type of string on home made guitar affect pitch/volume?
How does the height a marble is dropped from affect the volume of sound it makes?
How does the size of a block of wood/amount of water in a bottle affect the volume of
sound produced when struck?
Which material is best for soundproofing?
What affects the note of a string or wind instrument?
What affects the loudness of the sound from a stringed or wind instrument?
6a Interdependence and Adaptation
What is the best seed shape for water or wind dispersal?
How does soil type effect root shape?
How does a lack of light affect plant growth?
How much fertilizer does a plant require for maximum growth?
What habitat conditions do woodlice prefer?
6b Micro-organisms
How does temperature affect rising time of dough/fermentation time of juice?
How does amount of yeast affect the rising time of dough?
How does the amount of sugar affect the fermentation time of juice?
What factors affect the speed or type of decay of food?
What factors affect the temperature inside a compost heap?
6c More about Dissolving
What makes a powder dissolve quickly?
What factors affect how much or how quickly sugar dissolves in water?
How does temperature affect dissolving time of salt/sugar in water/vinegar?
How does temperature affect the amount of salt that will dissolve in a liquid?
Which liquid dissolves antacid tablets quickest?
How does size of antacid tablet affect dissolving time?
6d Reversible and irreversible changes
What factors affect the time a candle burns for?
What factors cause iron to rust?
What effect will lubrication have on rust prevention?
How is size of baked biscuits affected by substituting butter for shortening?
How is crystal growth affected by light/ temperature/ acidity?
6e Forces in Action
How does type of material/weight added/shape/ making holes affect the falling time
of a parachute?
How does moving the fulcrum on a lever affect the force needed to move an object?
What factors affect the sag of a simple beam bridge?
What affects the time of the swing of a pendulum?
What affects the height bounced by a ball?
What features of a parachute affect the time it falls for?
How does the shape of a boat affect its speed through water?
What factors affect the time for a helicopter 'spinner' to fall?
What affects the time for different Plasticine shapes to sink in water?
What type of surface has more friction?
What makes objects move at different speeds?
How high does a tennis ball bounce on different surfaces?
How does the height of the drop affect the height of the bounce?
6f How we see things
Does the colour of writing affect how far away it can be seen?
What colour of writing can be seen best in the dark?
Does music affect how well we see?
How much more can a person see (peripheral vision) with two eyes than with one?
What effect does light have on us seeing objects and colour?
6g Changing Circuits
How does a knot in a wire affect amps/brightness?
How does the number of wires affect brightness?
How does thickness of wire affect brightness?
How does length of wire affect brightness?
What factors affect the strength of an electromagnet?
How does the number of batteries/bulbs affect bulb brightness?
What types or length of wire gives the best speed control for an electric motor?

These could form some mini investigations you could do at home, Year 5's you could also try some of these.

Have fun.

Year 5/6 Team.

Friday, 4 April 2008

Week Beginning 7th April 2008

Hi and welcome to this weeks blogspot.

We had a great time last week as it was science week. We did activities all week and finished off the week by having a science show which was really interactive and informative.

The children came back really smart last week, some braving the weather in their summer uniforms. There are a few pairs of trainers creeping in especially on the boys, therefore we ask if you could please ensure your child is wearing black school shoes and not trainers, thank you.

The Year 6 children are working their socks off with their revision and it is really showing when we assess them. Thank you for all your hard work in school and at home.

This week the Year 5's will be completing and improving their argument and re-writing it as a letter written to persuade. They have worked really hard on this topic and we look forward to reading their finished pieces of writing.

Try these websites to review your learning:- design your own persuasive poster. answer some simple questions and design your own travel advert. persuasive writing workshop. revision of persuasive writing.!B121cf29d70ec8a3d54a33343010cc2 points for persuasive writing and other genres. understanding persuasive writing.

Even though the Year 6's are revising this week, some of these websites may help them with revision on persuasive writing.

This week Miss Wright's and Mrs Morgan's group will be using standard units of capacity and converting from larger to smaller and estimating, measuring and drawing angles in degrees.
By the end of the week they
MUST be able to record estimates and readings from capacity scales.
SHOULD be able to estimate the size of an angle in degrees.
COULD use a protractor to measure and draw angles to the nearest 5 degrees.

Mr Barker and Mrs Millington's group will continue with their revision.

This week in Science we will be continuing last week's Science theme of Electricity and Magnets.
The objectives for this are on last week's blogspot, here are some websites to help you on your way. a selection of websites concentrating on circuits. a great website on circuits. revisewise on electricity and magnets. selection of websites on forces and magnetism.

For the next half term the children will benefit from a dance teacher coming and teaching them during PE. We have worked with the dance teacher before and she is excellent and the children will enjoy their lessons. Please ensure your child has an indoor PE kit in school.

The Year 5's will continue working on their mantle of the expert in time travel. They have designed and advertised a time travelling devise which took them back to Victorian Times. Mrs Teeling then came and did a talk for the children on The Victorians which they all enjoyed. Thank you Mrs Teeling.
If we have any other parents who would like to come and talk about subjects we are learning in school just let one of the Year 5/6 Team know.

Here I Am
This week we will be starting a new topic of Holidays and Holy days. This week we will be working on the recognise section of the topic and will recognise what makes a day recreative, renewing, relaxing and restful.
The key words for this part of the topic will be holidays, recreative, renewing, relaxing, restful.

Thanks and have a good week.

Year 5/6 Team.