Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Welcome Back!!

Week Beginning 3rd September 2007

Hi everyone,

Welcome back to a new exciting school year and a new exciting blogspot!!

Your teachers have been back in school since Monday preparing things for your return on Wednesday. We are really looking forward to seeing you all and starting our exciting journey for this acedemic year.

Year 6's this is an extreamly exciting year for you as you begin your last year at Primary School and start to prepare for High School. You also get to show everyone just how much you have learned in your 7 years at St Vincent's when you complete you SAT's.
Year 5's also take on a lot of responsibilty this year as they become the older members of the school and set an example to the younger members of our school.

By now you will know which class you will be going into on Wednesday and who your new teacher will be. Mrs Millington and Mrs Morgan (Wilson) we still be in year 5/6 and most of you will know us really well by now. We are also welcoming a new member to our team and as you probably already know this will be Miss Wright. I am sure she is feeling as nervous joining our school as you are going into a new class but I know that you will give her a warm welcome and show her how much we all care about eachother at St Vincent's.

There will also be a slight change of classrooms when you come back. Mrs Morgan's class will remain in the same room, Mrs Millington's class will be moving into Mrs Worrall's old room and Miss Wright's class will be in Mrs Millington's old room.

As you know for the first 2 weeks back in September we complete an induction into our new class. We use these two weeks to get to know eachother really well and so that we can feel comfortable with our new surroundings and new people.
By the time you reach year 5/6 you have already been in a class together before but it is important to build up the links we have already made in previous years and also to get to know your new teacher and so she can get to know you better.
During these two weeks we will be doing a lot of Personal, Health and Social Education (PHSE) this will also include circle time.

These two weeks are also time for your teacher to assess for themselves just what you can do and will involve spelling, reading, writing and maths tests.
Only after the induction weeks are completed will you be moving into your maths sets.


On the 24th September the Year 6's will be going to The Conway Centre in Anglesey. If you have any outstanding medical forms these need to sent into school as soon as possible, if we do not have a completed medical form then you will not be able to go to Conway.

Someone from the Conway Centre will usually come into school and do a presentation on what you will be doing while at the centre for your parents. We will let you know when this meeting has been arranged.
Mr Barker, Mrs Morgan, Miss Wright and possibly Mrs Walker will be accopanying you to the centre. Mrs Millington will remain in school with the year 5's, who I know will be completing some exciting tasks of their own!
If you or your parents have any questions, concerns or worries about the trip then please do not hesitate to see a member of the year 5/6 team, who I am sure will be able to help you.

We are really looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday and hearing all about your holidyas, lets make this a really successful and enjoyable year.

Year 5/6 Team.